NOW, the phenomenon of working mothers do not only occur in a small number of households. But whether the job can inhibit Moms to provide optimal nutrition for children? It should not!
Child's growth is not only measured by physical growth, but also intelligence and liveliness of the motion. This is where the importance of healthy eating as one pillar of growth and development of children, as well as stimuli from outside himself.
Dr exposed Fiastuti Witjaksono SpGK, healthy eating is important for physical growth and intellectual development of children. Healthy food should be sufficient in quality and quantity. Therefore, use fresh ingredients in order to obtain optimal vitamins and minerals.
"The pattern is formed after eating children ages 6 months when the child was introduced supplementary food ASI (MPASI). As the key to the early introduction of food, serve foods that vary in age so that children will be easy to eat, "he began conversations with okezone after talkshow" Best Parenting for Busy Parents "held by Philips Avent in the Hotel Gran Melia Jakarta, Wednesday (7 / 7 / 2010).
Most working parents are currently facing the challenge of providing nutritious food for children recall their brief time at home. Actually, the busyness is no excuse apart from the responsibility of parents to prepare healthy meals for children.
Moms do not have to cook every time you want to feed the children. Fiastuti cite, Moms can process food for 1-2 days and then stored in airtight storage devices, frozen, and provided every time your child ate, such as apple puree. Stored in the refrigerator, could be healthier because the food without preservatives. But, emphasized, food spending immediately removed from the refrigerator, and if the rest, do not be inserted again.
"The important thing with a good fresh food is processed and stored in a good way. Store in airtight container and freezers and light because the light and fresh air will oxidize so easily spoiled food. In principle, each meal, take to one portion, "added nutrition specialist Cipto Mangunkusumo this.
Good nutrition, said Dr. Fiastuti, starting from newborns to toddlers and most importantly, from the house. Parents should set an example for the kids to eat right. Do not let the parents love any food that dimau children. The important thing is he wants to eat or stop crying. Thus, it is important for parents to know what is best and appropriate nutrition for children.
"Mother is the commander for themselves, their children also for the fulfillment of nutritional affairs," he said.
For Moms, distribute Fiastuti dr prescription treating apple puree. The materials required, among other things an apple red / green that has been washed out, enough water for steaming, and 75 ml of boiled water. For how to create one, peeled apples, cored and loud parts and then cut into rough around the seed. Steam the apples until soft with enough water, approximately 20 minutes. Wait apples cool, then blend with boiled water until smooth. If the water is felt less, Moms can add it. Place the puree in containers, and Moms are ready to give it to your baby.
Child's growth is not only measured by physical growth, but also intelligence and liveliness of the motion. This is where the importance of healthy eating as one pillar of growth and development of children, as well as stimuli from outside himself.
Dr exposed Fiastuti Witjaksono SpGK, healthy eating is important for physical growth and intellectual development of children. Healthy food should be sufficient in quality and quantity. Therefore, use fresh ingredients in order to obtain optimal vitamins and minerals.
"The pattern is formed after eating children ages 6 months when the child was introduced supplementary food ASI (MPASI). As the key to the early introduction of food, serve foods that vary in age so that children will be easy to eat, "he began conversations with okezone after talkshow" Best Parenting for Busy Parents "held by Philips Avent in the Hotel Gran Melia Jakarta, Wednesday (7 / 7 / 2010).
Most working parents are currently facing the challenge of providing nutritious food for children recall their brief time at home. Actually, the busyness is no excuse apart from the responsibility of parents to prepare healthy meals for children.
Moms do not have to cook every time you want to feed the children. Fiastuti cite, Moms can process food for 1-2 days and then stored in airtight storage devices, frozen, and provided every time your child ate, such as apple puree. Stored in the refrigerator, could be healthier because the food without preservatives. But, emphasized, food spending immediately removed from the refrigerator, and if the rest, do not be inserted again.
"The important thing with a good fresh food is processed and stored in a good way. Store in airtight container and freezers and light because the light and fresh air will oxidize so easily spoiled food. In principle, each meal, take to one portion, "added nutrition specialist Cipto Mangunkusumo this.
Good nutrition, said Dr. Fiastuti, starting from newborns to toddlers and most importantly, from the house. Parents should set an example for the kids to eat right. Do not let the parents love any food that dimau children. The important thing is he wants to eat or stop crying. Thus, it is important for parents to know what is best and appropriate nutrition for children.
"Mother is the commander for themselves, their children also for the fulfillment of nutritional affairs," he said.
For Moms, distribute Fiastuti dr prescription treating apple puree. The materials required, among other things an apple red / green that has been washed out, enough water for steaming, and 75 ml of boiled water. For how to create one, peeled apples, cored and loud parts and then cut into rough around the seed. Steam the apples until soft with enough water, approximately 20 minutes. Wait apples cool, then blend with boiled water until smooth. If the water is felt less, Moms can add it. Place the puree in containers, and Moms are ready to give it to your baby.
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