Currently, Indonesia is still facing problems of poor nutrition and over nutrition which is closely linked with the consumption patterns of society. Ideally, the consumption of animal derived food enough.
Data The World Bank in 2006 suggests, as many as 54 percent of infant mortality and infant nutrition backed by an ugly situation. Further, the nutritional status of children in 2007 showed there are still lots of short children (34.8 percent) as a reflection of chronic malnutrition.
"Mother is a short and a variety of micronutrient deficiency is a serious nutritional problem," said DR Minarto MPS from the Directorate of Community Nutrition Ministry of Health in the Media Seminar on Tetra Pak "Fresh Milk Just Me" at Hotel Mulia, Senayan, Jakarta, recently.
DR Minarto added, the cause could be due to consumption of animal derived food of Indonesian people is low. In fact, according to DR Minarto, the quality of grain consumption alone is not enough; whether it was because there was not enough material, can not afford to buy, or not recommended to eat, let alone other nutritional needs.
Yet according to the "law of nutrition", to ensure growth, development, health, humans need different nutrients, each with specific functions and are not interchangeable. Law of other nutrients, says that the function of nutrients linked (interact) and should be available at the same time and no one type of food that contains all the nutrients the body needs.
"Getting good drinking milk, especially in children who are still in the process of growth. Because cow's milk as a protein source contain some essential amino acids larger than other sources of protein "specifically.
After getting enough golden standard on infant feeding, including Caring for Early Initiation (IMD) and rooming-in, exclusive breast feeding up to six months, continued breastfeeding up to two years, and given MPASI after the age of six months, the child's nutritional needs according to growth age. For example, children aged 4-6 years requiring 1550 kcals of energy, 39 g protein, 450 ug RE of vitamin A, calcium 500 mg, and 9 mg of iron.
"To improve the nutritional quality of Indonesian society, first we need to increase public awareness of balanced nutrition. Fresh milk is a liquid diet which is very beneficial for health because they contain calcium, protein, vitamins and minerals needed by the body and build a balanced nutrition, especially for children who are still growing. To that end, much needed public awareness to drink fresh milk every day, "he said.
Data The World Bank in 2006 suggests, as many as 54 percent of infant mortality and infant nutrition backed by an ugly situation. Further, the nutritional status of children in 2007 showed there are still lots of short children (34.8 percent) as a reflection of chronic malnutrition.
"Mother is a short and a variety of micronutrient deficiency is a serious nutritional problem," said DR Minarto MPS from the Directorate of Community Nutrition Ministry of Health in the Media Seminar on Tetra Pak "Fresh Milk Just Me" at Hotel Mulia, Senayan, Jakarta, recently.
DR Minarto added, the cause could be due to consumption of animal derived food of Indonesian people is low. In fact, according to DR Minarto, the quality of grain consumption alone is not enough; whether it was because there was not enough material, can not afford to buy, or not recommended to eat, let alone other nutritional needs.
Yet according to the "law of nutrition", to ensure growth, development, health, humans need different nutrients, each with specific functions and are not interchangeable. Law of other nutrients, says that the function of nutrients linked (interact) and should be available at the same time and no one type of food that contains all the nutrients the body needs.
"Getting good drinking milk, especially in children who are still in the process of growth. Because cow's milk as a protein source contain some essential amino acids larger than other sources of protein "specifically.
After getting enough golden standard on infant feeding, including Caring for Early Initiation (IMD) and rooming-in, exclusive breast feeding up to six months, continued breastfeeding up to two years, and given MPASI after the age of six months, the child's nutritional needs according to growth age. For example, children aged 4-6 years requiring 1550 kcals of energy, 39 g protein, 450 ug RE of vitamin A, calcium 500 mg, and 9 mg of iron.
"To improve the nutritional quality of Indonesian society, first we need to increase public awareness of balanced nutrition. Fresh milk is a liquid diet which is very beneficial for health because they contain calcium, protein, vitamins and minerals needed by the body and build a balanced nutrition, especially for children who are still growing. To that end, much needed public awareness to drink fresh milk every day, "he said.
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