CONDITIONS abnormal eye happens to someone turned out may be a sign of severe disease. Therefore, continued to control the state of your eyes on a regular basis is appropriate prevention efforts.
Proverbial eyes as "windows to the soul" sounds like it has been obsoleted. However, until now it has been proven true. The situation turned out the eyes can be a reference if someone is suffering from health problems. Not only related to eye disorders like cataracts or glaucoma, but also other systemic diseases such as diabetes mellitus and heart.
Sometimes, the signs of the disease is visible on the inside, outside, or around the eye, long before the disease symptoms appear. "Eyes really like a real property is unique," said Andrew Iwach, MD, clinical professor of ophthalmology at the University of California at San Francisco, United States.
"The eye is the only place in the human body where you can see the nerves, arteries, and veins, directly without making any incision surgery process. And symptoms of disease that we see through the eyes may occur throughout the body, "says Iwach who also served as Executive Director of the Glaucoma Center in San Francisco, United States, as quoted page webmd.com.
List of systemic diseases that can be seen from the eye condition was quite long. In addition to diabetes and cardiovascular disease, including aneurysm, HIV / AIDS, cancer and hereditary disease that rarely happens. Therefore, the eye doctor to recommend someone to check his eyes periodically.
"Everyone has to run comprehensive tests on the eye before the age of 40 years," said Ruth D Williams, MD, an ophthalmologist and glaucoma specialist at the Wheaton, Illinois, United States. He also like Iwach, served as spokesperson for the American Academy of Ophthalmology.
"People who have had a family history of eye disease can usually be easily detected as soon as possible. And anyone who experience eye problems should immediately see a doctor. No need to wait until we experience the symptoms to the doctor because many eye diseases are not known, which means without symptoms, "he continued.
Some eye conditions associated systemic diseases, can only be seen by a specialist trained in eye during test execution. Other diseases commonly found on all people. Here are mentioned a number of eye signs of the most common and what they want to "tell" about your health.
First, the eyes are red. Parts of the outer layer of transparent eye, commonly called the conjunctiva, are fed by many small blood vessels. If the broken blood vessels, blood can pool in a white wet the eye (sclera). A subconjunctival hemorrhage is-as it is known in medical circles, can be caused by a hard blow to the eye. But in many cases, have no obvious cause.
"However, in rare cases, subconjunctival hemorrhage may be a sign of severe disease of high blood pressure or platelet disorders, which can interfere with blood clotting," explained Williams.
Then, the eyes that looked wide-eyed. Although this may be the prominent eyes of the influence of family descent, eye conditions like this may be evidence of thyroid disease. Abnormal levels of thyroid hormone causes tissue around the eyes to swell, creating the impression that such glaring eyes. Eyelid drop (droopy Eyelid) is also one of the signs of this penyakit.Keadaan known among doctors as ptosis, which could be due to the aging process. But in rare cases, this is evidence of a brain tumor terserangnya or neuromuscular disease known as myasthenia gravis (MG).
Iwach words, MG is an autoimmune disorder that weakens the muscles throughout the body. Other eye conditions become symptoms of the disease is an unusual location of the pupil. Healthy people usually have a symmetrical layout pupils, but did not always. They are usually the same size and showed the same reaction when exposed to light.
If one pupil looks bigger than the other or if one is slower to react when terpijar light, there may be underlying medical problems. According to Peter Kastl MD, PhD, a professor at Tulane University School eyes of Medicine, New Orleans, Louisiana, United States, the possibility that signs of a stroke, brain, or optic nerve tumors, brain aneurysms, syphilis, and multiple sclerosis (MS).
Finally, he explained, many drugs, including drugs, which could make the pupils become smaller or larger. Black spots like the ring on the cornea can also be the sign of the disease. A disorder that often occurs due to genetics is known as Wilson's disease that can cause copper substances accumulate in various tissues, including brain and liver.
Sometimes the pile of copper in the eyes of these substances are located on the inner surface of the cornea (although some experts claimed could occur in the iris, iris surrounding the pupil). Syndrome, also known as "Kayser-Fleischer rings" itself is not dangerous. But without proper treatment, Wilson's disease can be fatal.
One other condition that is thick eyelids. In very rare cases, a thickening or deformation of the eyelid is a sign of neurofibromatosis, which is a rare hereditary disorder characterized by the growth of tumors along nerve fibers (tumor itself is called plexiform neurofibromas).
Joseph Merrick, the UK figures from the 19th century known as the Elephant Man, has long been suspected of having neurofibromatosis. However, experts now believe that he was suffering from another disease that rarely affects known as the proteus syndrome.
Yellow eyes are also known to be a sign of disease. Liver disease, including hepatitis and cirrhosis, can be known from scleras, namely the white membrane that turned into a yellow eye. This color is caused by a buildup of bilirubin, a compound created by the splitting of hemoglobin, the oxygen-carrying molecule in red blood cells. The medical term for a yellow eye is scleral icterus, although not scleras the yellow, but the conjunctiva.
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