The award as to the Employee Appreciation Form
BUSINESS to gain professional employment in accordance with the demands of the position required a sustainable development, namely a business planning activities, organization, use and maintenance workers to be able to carry out tasks effectively and efficiently.
As a concrete step in the coaching staff then held that the award has shown a good performance. The sense of appreciation in the company often in the form of a plaque and a sum of money from company employees who have the achievement. There are also companies that provide rewards to employees for years of service and dedication can be used as a model for other employees. Giving the award because the employee intended to motivate passion and loyalty of the company.
The awarding of these is the company's efforts in providing fringe benefits on the work of employees, thereby encouraging employees to work more diligently and potential. Employees need an award at the time of his work has been to meet or even exceed the standards set by the company. This award can be a compliment. Not only if employees make mistakes get insults from the leader. Employees work has the objective, among others, to earn revenue to the needs and desires can be realized.
An employee will receive job satisfaction if memersepsikan that it receives benefits such as salary, incentives, allowances and other awards that are not shaped the material for the implementation of the work done worth more than his sacrifice in the form of manpower and costs that have been issued to carry out the work. Founder Performance Management Main Page Yodhia Space explained, sort of a gift or an appreciation award to the company's employees.
It can be caused by several things, among them the performance or work performance or exceeding performance targets, were charged. There's also because the gift or appreciation because there is such a special race conducted by the company. For example race or a race of innovation, such as total quality management award.
"Gifts for employees who have given exceptional dedication to the company. For example save the company assets from external interference, "he explained. Companies also often provide rewards for employees have successfully completed special projects faster than the deadline, and the quality is satisfactory. As well as a reward for years of service.
Let's say after 20 years of work, then get a gift of gold pin from the company. Of the several types of awards above, light Yodhia, all good. Unless the award associated with the award adding kerja.Dia not always associated with working. Such awards are considered less afdol because it tends to not be able to motivate employees. According to him, prizes or awards given feasible because it can motivate employees to deliver more performance or performance bagus.Ini will also generate a sense of pride for employees. "So encourage them to be more productive at work," he said.
If for the award given race competitions, such as innovation or Quality Management. Usually the existing standard criteria, concerning aspects of breakthrough programs, the ease of application and financial impact for the company. Sien Consultants Human Resources Consultants of recommen Handoyo added that the award is a personal acknowledgment or better known by the identification of one person to another. Where a person identified as the performance and achievement in the possession while working.
Awards can bermacammacam, is in the form of bonuses, promotions, additional responsibilities for some employees can be a burden, but for several other employees can be a point reward for themselves. But, surely the company must deliver more value. "Sometimes not all about money," he said.
The best form of appreciation is to make the employee know if he was valued by the company, not only by a small group of people. Some companies sometimes put photos of the most outstanding employees in the factory area to assert that these employees can be role models for others.
He explained that the company should give awards to employees. Their thinking is simple, because the company had to place employees as part of the capital, and very unfortunate if the most valuable capital that was released only because the personal is not appreciated
Troubleshooting for Maintaining Marketing
Not long ago we heard the shocking news that one of the world's major automobile companies doing a recall to repair (recall) millions of car production.
Recall done because there is damage that must be fixed. This policy is taken to maintain the safety of the driver. Furthermore, there was also news that one of the world's leading antivirus companies must immediately improve its products. Antivirusnya product turned out to cause disruption to the users computer. Or we also still remember there was a water company that was one of the leading competitive products should be withdrawn from the market. Its production is not considered eligible health.
Maybe there who think that it could just be because of an unhealthy business competition. Or maybe there who think that these incidents are related to negligence of the company. However, regardless of background or the cause is more important to note if these things happen to us is: how do I split / solution so that customers remain loyal to your product / service.
The goal is to not interfere with the target marketing that we have planned. Due to these events, to some extent will affect the level marketing company, whether short term or long term. There's a saying "There is no ivory that is not crack." Indeed, although we've been doing a variety of existing regulatory process, sometimes still possible to be an error in the production process or its implementation.
Thus, to be able to obtain a larger market share again in the long term this is an obligation we have to do. Among provide products / services that satisfy consumers both in short and long term. And in a business that we do, more or less there will be challenges in dealing with, among other outcomes / quality of production is sometimes less than optimal or unable to provide overall customer satisfaction.
In this regards there are some things we can do when we / company / business we have experienced something that is causing customer dissatisfaction. Among them: 1) Do not let the occasional look like a simple problem becomes a big problem. If we already know from the start that something that looks small, but later can disrupt the marketing of the product / service.
He immediately began to make repairs before the other party to give a sense of dissatisfaction. And if there is party / consumer who does not like the product / service, we must begin to open for improvement. Not only give-denial denial that sometimes it backfired for us. So it will need customer service center so that problems can be resolved early.
As well as a more integrated system of course. 2) If necessary (if indeed an error on our part), give an apology to consumers as early as possible. Then we can also provide compensation to existing customers, such as giving discounts, bonuses, etc., that can calm the atmosphere.
This is to prevent problems that result in a protracted decline in the image of products / services that will affect us in our marketing target. 3) Make the events that have occurred as a very valuable lesson. Time to make a better system that later can minimize the errors we do not want.
4) Furthermore, we must focus to immediately carry out repairs and providing more positive information, especially to the consumers / customers / our loyal customers. And continue to do follow-up or communication approach with our customers, for example if we have a fairly comprehensive data base, we can give the holiday greeting, birthday and so on with more intensive. Because it can help us retain our marketing in the long term. (*)
Still on the simple things nih .....
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For temen-temen who want to see the situation in various regions of the world through CCTV cameras, please follow the few pointers below:
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