Beware of degenerative diseases in old age!
Enjoy old age with good health physically, mentally, and socially would be every man's dream. However, whether we can successfully pass through youth and adults to then prepare for old age like that picture? The answer, certainly not an easy thing.
Based on Household Health Survey (SKRT year 2000), life expectancy is 72 years of Indonesian society. This means that many of Indonesian man who is able to reach the age of 72 years. Still, that does not mean at that age free of disease.
"Old age is not necessarily separated from the aspects of physical, mental and psychological or social," said a specialist Andrology, Faculty of Medicine Gadjah Mada University, Dr. Dicky Moch Rizal, Sp.And., AIFM, M. Kes, in Creating a Healthy Lifestyle Seminar At Dusk Age In the degenerative process which was held GMC Health Center in the space R Margono Suradji Faculty of Dentistry, Saturday (07/03/2010).
Physical aspects in the elderly, continued Dickky, marked by the emergence of a degenerative process or a decrease in function or changes in the structure of the whole organ.
If this degenerative process heavier, it is not impossible that old age will be filled with various activities of medical complaints or illnesses that arise such as diabetes, hypertension or heart and blood vessel disease, auto immune, infection or dilipidemia.
"The emergence of various diseases that will affect all aspects of life, including sexuality and ended with the decline kulitas life," he explained.
On that occasion, Dicky suggested several steps that can be done to prevent and overcome a number of complaints from degenerative problems in old age, that is through simple efforts independently and medical efforts.
Independent simple efforts exemplified through healthy nutrition rich in antioxidants, exercise, no stress and no smoking. While the medical efforts could be through the provision of insulin and hormone replacement therapy.
"Preventive step we can do better with simple self-effort and medical efforts," added Dicky.
Dr Probosuseno Meanwhile, SpPD, KGer, FINASIM, from Sub Bag Geriatric Medicine Science Section FK UGM / SMF Geriatric Sardjito Hospital in Yogyakarta, said the appearance of disease in older age is often unclear, chronic, many endogenous, hidden, multiple, progressive, does not provide immunity, in fact even more susceptible to disease, and can lead to defects long before the occurrence of death.
Agreed with Dicky, Probosuseno also mentioned, some degenerative disease that often appear in elderly patients such as high blood pressure, constriction of blood vessels, cancer, diabetes (diabetes mellitus / DM), porous bone, and gall stones.
"Sometimes it's from the diseases in the elderly is often not clear, could result in disability before the occurrence of death," said Probosuseno.
Especially with regard to diabetes or diabetes mellitus, Probosuseno say could be prevented in order not to arise with the alert all the factors that affect it, such as heredity, obesity, until the excess nutrients. In addition, treatment can be done best, in order to avoid preventable complications despite being sick. If it is so preventable complications occur in order to avoid further disability.
"Like with the eye check every 6-12 months, chest photograph every 1-2 years, each one year ECG, routine urine check and check feet regularly," he added.
It would be more efficient and effective achievement of these expectations are also reflected a kind of community people with DM (diabetisi) called PERSADIA (Association Diabetisi Indonesian) whose organization already exists to the national level. Similarly, the need for each health care institution has educators Diabetes or if it could all Diabetes Center
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