Time for Dental Health Care
RESEARCH by the Ministry of Health says more than 70 percent of the population of Indonesia is experiencing caries or cavities. This fact shows the awareness of society to pay attention to dental health is very low.
Cavities are still a problem for the Indonesian people. Health Research Association in 2007 found that dental caries or tooth decay attack or suffered by approximately 72.1 percent of the population of Indonesia. Furthermore, in the last 12 months was found to be 23.4 percent of Indonesian people complained about the problem on the teeth and mouth.
Of these, only 29.6 percent who seek help and get treatment from health workers. The figures outlined in the study indicate that there is still a very low level of community awareness and utilization rate of medical staff services dental health.
This is justified by Sony DR Swasonoprijo drg Sport. According to Sony, most patients who come to the clinic complaining about tooth cavities. "Many patients who come to the dentist only when sick. Especially if they have dental disease severe enough, "said Sony.
Meanwhile, Sony said, advised to check their teeth to the dentist at least once just six months into the discourse. "Indonesian people that if my teeth hurt baseball that baseball came. However, if the illness is severe, more troublesome. Better to prevent than cure, "Sony added.
Internal research conducted by Unilever in 2007 further strengthens Sony's statement. At least there are only 5.5 percent of Indonesia's dental health checked regularly to the dentist.
Still according to the Basic Health Research Report 2007, a total of 91.1 percent of Indonesian people aged over 10 years, despite already brushed my teeth every day, but only by 7.3 percent which had been brushing your teeth correctly, in the morning after breakfast and at night before sleep.
Indeed, so important for dental health. Nevertheless, very low attention given by the community towards dental health. As a result, many Indonesian people who ultimately vulnerable to dental disease, as demonstrated through the results of research conducted by the Public Health Service, where more than 70 percent of the population of Indonesia is experiencing caries or cavities. This fact is staggering, the results of this study indicate that public awareness of dental health remains low.
According drg Anggraeni Zaura MDS, as Chairman PDGI, poor quality of dental health among the Indonesian people worry a lot. From the Basic Health Research Report 2007 found cases of oral and dental disease in 72.1 percent of the population of Indonesia with an average 4.85 percent damaged teeth per person.
From an average of nearly 5 percent of tooth decay, only one percent are successfully treated or filled, the remaining approximately 25 percent ih in a state with holes, "And more than 75 percent of teeth that hole is allowed or not receive care or be revoked so that the decay because it was too severe, "said Unilever Zaura in the event the Partnership, Indonesian Dentists Association (PDGI) and the Association of Faculty of Dentistry, Indonesia (AFDOKGI) for Dental and Oral Health, recently.
Zaura added, this situation is still the lack of reflection on dental health services that can be accessed by the public. Zaura also agreed on the importance of directing efforts to prevent damage and maintain healthy teeth stay healthy. Obviously this is far more effective and efficient in reducing the number kepenyakitan and burdens arising from the teeth and mouth disease is not treated.
One way to reduce the number of dental disease, it can be done with the socialization of the correct way of brushing your teeth. This was agreed by the Chairman of the Commission on Dental Public Health at Asia Pacific Dental Federation (APDF) for the period 2010-2012, drg Rini. Unfortunately, the community still do not know exactly that the correct way of brushing teeth is important because it increases the body's resistance to dental disease.
Reflecting the fact that there is in society, through Unilever's Pepsodent brand, along with PDGI and AFDOKGI, signed a cooperation in order to educate and introduce the dental services to the public through the National Dental Health Month activities in 2010. Namely with the recently launched initiatives to raise public awareness of dental health during this July at the 13 faculty of dentistry at a university in Indonesia.
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