Horizontal and Vertical Strategy Requires


As has already been published on Islamic Banking Outlook 2010, then the policy will be applied toward the banking authority will basically cover five areas, namely optimizing the implementation of Value Added Tax Act, improving the quality of supervision and human resources of Islamic banking, improving quality monitoring systems, strengthening of capital, and increase efficiency through financial deepening.

Related to the determination of the Law No. 42 year 2009 regarding Value Added Tax (VAT) after years ago issued Islamic Banking Act, a milestoneyang function as new fuel for the growth of a national Islamic banking in 2010. The main obstacle has been considered to inhibit the growth of Islamic banking industry, which is a double tax for the dominant product (sale) of Islamic banking, has been resolved.

VAT Act will certainly provide a more conducive business environment for the entry of new players in this industry and the level of competitiveness of the industry better. Therefore, in order to anticipate relevant provisions of view to adjust the opening of a new Islamic bank will be carried out optimally.

However, there were incriminating questions is how the VAT payable prior to April 1, 2010. Policy of the government tax authority, we expect more to economic analysis than the analysis finansial.Dengan of economic analysis on tax policy that is more conducive for Islamic financial industry, will open Islamic bank investment opportunities that will encourage the flow of funds financing the larger and of course in addition to mouse wheel faster real sector will also produce a lot of new tax payer-payer.

Improving the quality of supervision and human resources associated with the projected increase in industry volumes and the number of Islamic bank would require the availability of adequate human resources with a qualified quality, both on the side of the actors / practitioners and supervisors.

In addition to improving the quality of relevant watchdog understanding of banking operations and the business sector, is also necessary to increase the number of supervisors in order to anticipate the growing number of Islamic bank is a good number of banks and office networks.

Challenges in terms of operational kehatihatian (Prudence operational) will be answered through two main lines, namely: improving the quality of regulatory and supervisory infrastructure. Continuous quality improvement arrangements will always be adjusted with the latest developments both derived from the IFSB, BIS and other international commitments such as commitments countries that joined the G-20 forum.

In the capital aspect of the projected volume of Islamic banking industry in the year 2010, including deposits, to be followed by an increase in the capital of Islamic banking still has a financial buffer that high. Efforts to strengthen the capital this can be done internally through devident policy and the addition of new capital by the owners or investors baru.Oleh Therefore, Bank Indonesia would be more actively facilitate the growth of capital through both approaches.

Further associated with financial deepening and efficiency and to ensure the competitiveness and performance of Islamic banking industry, among others, carried out through the efforts of financial deepening by enriching the variety of products and services offered, keeping in conformity with the principles put forward aspects of sharia. In addition to increasing the diversity of banking products, improved efficiency can also be done through cross sector financing activities with other Islamic financial subsystems such as collaboration with the Zakat system.

Prospect of Islamic Banking in 2010

Referring to the analysis of the conditions of macroeconomic fundamentals in the world economic situation is likely to recover and the internal dynamics that occur in the Islamic banking industry, Islamic banking industry is estimated in the year 2010 will experience better growth than the previous year's growth.

Meanwhile, considering that the development of Islamic banking industry until the end of the year 2009 is expected to be in the range between the pessimistic scenario and the scenario of moderate and based on considerations of macroeconomic dynamics and the current Islamic banking industry, then the projection for 2010 remains in line with that already in the program diformulakan Grand Srategy Sharia Banking Market Development,

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