HAVE you ever seen a magician or a magic show scene? What appeals to you when I saw a magic show? In Indonesia, many of us have encountered / seen a magic show, both in the cafes, in shopping malls, or on television.
So that not infrequently people feel a magic show is the performances that have been used, because they've never even seen in various media or in various other places before. Or feel less interested to see the show directly, because it felt most like a magic show that was on TV only.
Although I'm sure quite a lot of magicians in Indonesia, which is actually also terrible. However, if you ever knew or heard of David Copperfield? Who is he? ... Many people who say he is a magician. Indeed he is a magician, but actually he is also a powerful marketing practitioners. Why so? Try it ... You see, many shows were selling in various parts of the world (though tickets are not cheap).
One secret is that he is very skilled in magic shows packed into a very entertaining show, spectacular, and very riveting. Coupled of course with a powerful promotional strategy. So many people want to see the show even up to many times. He is very good at detail-packed show to details, good grammar stage, lighting, sound system, and many others.
So that the audience feel deeply involved in the show. Until finally he got the predicate of the Las Vegas Review Journal: "Grade A" "Copperfield's best illusions are still unparalleled on the strip!" The only "Grade A" rated full-evening magic show in Las Vegas! Likewise in the world of seminars, what's in someone's mind is generally the first time to hear the word "seminar"? Usually associated with: a serious mood, sat listening, and some even say "boring", and .... Not a few also said: sleepy if you take the seminar.
Therefore, there is a speaker who tries to make different packaging on the seminar. The seminar is: a fun atmosphere, full of joy, full of spirit, and of course full of powerful science and .... Although in five consecutive days too, seminar participants would still feel fresh and vibrant.
Therefore, these speakers can get as a predicate: Success Coach no one in Indonesia, The Best Speakers in Indonesia, and The Most Powerful People in Business. To create a packaging seminar really fun, full of excitement, passion, and knowledge that is useful, it is not easy. And still there is just a comment, 'seminars kok-lunjak lunjak wear, ... kok seminars till 11 at night (even more) ... "and so forth.
However, this is where I really practiced Marketing Revolution, though there are comments like that ... I stay focused to be able to give a seminar that really has a tremendous added value. I also pay attention to details-details, so that the overall results can be devastating.
And the result proved, with a packed seminar in such a cruel, ultimately a lot of people who attend my seminars, and also many people who give testimonials of success and happiness by following the seminars I give. Even many people who previously did not like the seminar, even antipathy, even they eventually want to follow my seminars.
More fierce again they were happy to continue taking my seminar until there are more than eight times. And gladly did the seminar participants to refer to my business associates, family or friends. Starting from elementary to graduate professors, from students to businessmen seminarseminar apparently liked me, both in Indonesia and in several other countries.
They liked my seminar of them because they feel a lot of science in a fun atmosphere. Therefore, I often ask the audience, "Dad, Mom, everyone, it seems we have to finish up the night ... how? Want to go? "And the audience replied," More ... !!!!" Connect me, "But it seems not only to night, but could until midnight, how?", Back of the audience replied, "Go! Continue further. "
And please note, seminars are often not just one day, but even till five, yes ... five days in a row until midnight, but the audience remain very enthusiastic and certainly a tremendous benefit.
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